You're absolutely correct! Both `@CircuitBreaker` and `@Retry` can have their own `fallbackMethod` attributes. Each annotation can independently define its fallback logic, allowing for distinct fallback behaviors based on whether the failure is handled by the circuit breaker or after all retries are exhausted.
Here’s the more accurate explanation:
- `@CircuitBreaker(fallbackMethod)`**: You can specify a fallback method that will be invoked when the circuit breaker opens after repeated failures.
- `@Retry(fallbackMethod)`**: You can also specify a fallback method for the retry mechanism. This fallback method will be triggered after the retry attempts are exhausted.
Both annotations can coexist with separate fallback methods if you want different logic for each failure scenario.
Updated Example Code:
public class MyService {
private final RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
// CircuitBreaker and Retry with different fallback methods
@CircuitBreaker(name = "myService", fallbackMethod = "circuitBreakerFallback")
@Retry(name = "myService", fallbackMethod = "retryFallback")
public String callExternalService() {
return restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:8080/external-service", String.class);
// Fallback method for CircuitBreaker
public String circuitBreakerFallback(Throwable t) {
return "Circuit breaker fallback: " + t.getMessage();
// Fallback method for Retry
public String retryFallback(Throwable t) {
return "Retry fallback: " + t.getMessage();
Key Points:
1. `CircuitBreaker(fallbackMethod = "circuitBreakerFallback")`**: The circuit breaker fallback will be called when the circuit breaker opens, after hitting the configured failure threshold.
2. `Retry(fallbackMethod = "retryFallback")`**: The retry fallback will be invoked after all retry attempts have been exhausted.
This approach allows for more granular control and separate fallback logic depending on the scenario: circuit breaker vs. retry failure.
Both `@CircuitBreaker` and `@Retry` can indeed define their own `fallbackMethod`, enabling more flexibility in handling different failure scenarios. Thank you for pointing that out!